Eugene Premiere of Julia Oldham’s “Fallout Dogs” and Free Static Performance
On February 16th, ECA is honored to present the Eugene premiere of “Fallout Dogs” – a film by Julia Oldham.
“Fallout Dogs” is a film guided by the movements and activities of the stray dogs that live in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster began on April 26, 1986, with an explosion in Reactor 4 of the Chernobyl Power Plant. Over 100,000 residents were quickly evacuated on buses and told to leave everything behind, including their pets. While many of the abandoned pets were shot to prevent contamination, some survived by making their way to the power plant, where workers and self settlers have been caring for them and their descendants ever since.
Free Static performance for “A View of the Red Forest”

As part of this premiere, we are also presenting a video piece from Julia’s multimedia installation “View of the Red Forest”, currently on view at Woodshop Projects in Corvallis through January. For this project Oldham is teaming up with Free Static (ECA’s Courtney Stubbert and Chris Ruiz), a Eugene-based improvisational sound duo blending modular synth and musique concréte.
This work is a portrait of both the dilapidation and rebirth of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, combining large prints of windows looking out of abandoned buildings onto lush landscapes with video documentation of Oldham’s visit to the zone.

February 16th
Premier of Fallout Dogs and View of the Red Forest at Drawn Brands in Eugene
For more information about the January 12th opening reception and performance of “View of the Red Forest” in Corvallis, see this post.
Drawn Brands, 545 Monroe Street, Eugene, Oregon, 97402 map
Event begins at 7:30pm
Both films are approximately 20 minutes long.